The Finnish Game Developers’ Association is an association for Finnish game developer companies. The association coordinates cooperation between these companies and advocates for their industry. The Finnish Game Developers’ Association organises events, provides information on the game industry and makes sure that game developer companies are taken into consideration whenever decisions affecting them are made. The Finnish Game Developers’ Association is a member of the hub of the Finnish game industry, Neogames Finland, and the European game industry umbrella organisation, European Games Developer Federation (EGDF). The association functions under the guidance of its board, and its activities are run by Neogames Finland.
The latest news on the Finnish game industry are found on Facebook, in the group PlayFinland. PlayFinland has nearly 6 500 members and it is the best way to reach anyone in the Finnish game industry, from hobbysits to professionals. PlayFinland is viewable by anyone, but only members can comment and post.
About the Finnish Game Industry
With approximately 98 % of its turnover coming from export, the game industry is the top content export industry in Finland. At the end of 2020, the 200 Finnish game companies employed around 3 600 people, and it was the sixth consecutive year for the industry’s turnover to exceed € 2 bn. The game industry is international in all respects, and at the end of 2020 28 % of all employees were foreign.
At the end of 2020, the Finnish Game Developers’ Association had 82 members, representing more than a third of all game developer companies in Finland. The member companies share of employees in the industry was approximately 80 % and of the industry turnover more than 95 %.
The Finnish Game Developers’ Association accepts as its members companies, whose main business is game development. Membership applications are reviewed by the board of the association, which meets 4-5 times a year. The association’s general meetings are held in the spring in May or June, and in the autumn in November or December.
Applying for membership, membership fee and member benefits
Send your membership application to The annual membership fee is determined by the amount of employees in your company at the end of the previous calendar year. The lowest category, for companies employing less than 10 people, carries a membership fee of 300 €, and the highest category, for those employing more than 50, a fee of 2 000 €. In addition to advocacy, members are offered other benefits, such as discounts for industry events.
The activities of the Finnish Game Developers’ Association are run by Neogames Finland. Please contact Director
KooPee Hiltunen
040 532 4176